2E251C 4D6281 5D5349 86858A AF723B C3A778 C5BEB8 DC6A34

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Window View from the Veranda into the house

Posted by
Shawna (Regina, Canada) on 1 May 2008 in Abstract & Conceptual and Portfolio.

NIKON D80 3 seconds F/7.1 ISO 100 18 mm

Thank you for visiting my photoblog. I am supposed to post daily but sometimes life gets in the way. Please feel free to leave a comment anytime.

alex centrella from California, United States

nice work, like the colors.

1 May 2008 1:30pm

D300Owner from Regina, Sask, Canada

Great shot, except for one minor detail, might have left the new light switch out of the photo, takes away from the aspect of "old".
Other than that one small criticism, great image..

1 May 2008 2:04pm

Shawna from Regina, Canada

I did think about taking that light switch out but then I liked it. It tells more of a story. Just my thoughts, some will like the light switch some won't.

1 May 2008 4:17pm

alex centrella from California, United States

ps..thanks for your comments on my work, .......and yes i like the HDR processing ..not too many photographers like it, ..u may want to check this site out...hdrcreme.com..

1 May 2008 4:54pm

3 seconds
ISO 100
18 mm
